
Parents Grandparents Great - Grandparents Great - Great - Grandparents
Red Royalty's
Handsome Harry
Ch Cuuchin Aspenglow Ch Cuuchin Lotza Pizazz Ch Antudor Lucky Star
Ch Cuuchin Charisma
Cuuchin Gold Sequins Ch Aberlee Star Sequence
Cuuchin Gold Dust
Welcop's Jasmine Ch Annwn's Quartermaster Ch Keridown Mr Bobkat
Ch Westglen Will It Be Me
Germattis Grace Ch Welcop's Sigge Wigge Of Hillringen
Welcop's Tyra
Flying Fivel


cert vinnare

Puksipuun Bobbys Boogie
Ch Castell Evil Intentions Ch Castell Killin' Time
Kimgin Driving Miss Daisy
Welcop's Valentine Jessie Ch Siggen's Majk Martini
Ch Puksipuun Pösö Pirkko
Ch Welcop's Frideborg Ch Siggen's Majk Martini Ch Pemland Moonlight
Ch Siggen's Kaia
Ch Welcop's Dominita Ch Welcop's Clara Give Me Love
Ch Puksipuun Pösö Pirkko